Meet Nancy



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See photos from Nancy's announcement of her candidacy.


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Committed to building a better future for Greater Holland.

Nancy DeBoer has a proven record of success. She has been a concerned citizen, City Councilwoman, and the first female Mayor of Holland! Nancy understands the needs of the people she serves by encouraging collaboration, fostering communication, and persevering under pressure. Some of her Mayoral accomplishments include: 

  • Decommissioning the Holland coal power plant, thereby initiating the potential for waterfront development
  • Construction of a state-of-the-art natural gas plant, reducing the City of Holland’s carbon emissions by 50%, paying off the plant early and reducing the cost of electricity by 10%
  • 8th Street City Block Development with Sperry Movie House, restaurants, and parking garage 
  • Initiating the process for fiber internet downtown and studying the potential for it to spread city-wide
  • Renovating the Civic Center Place with no new taxes
  • Much, Much, More!

A Proven Conservative Leader

Holland is Nancy’s home. She wants to strengthen our education system and create spaces where all people can thrive. Nancy wants a better future, not only for her grandchildren but for the people that have invested their lives in the State of Michigan. Now is the time to elect representatives that are willing to fight for the future of our beautiful state and the Greater Holland area. Nancy DeBoer is right for the job.

Caring, Conservative, Connected

Pete Hoekstra | Former Ambassador and Congressman

“I am proud to endorse Nancy DeBoer for State Representative. DeBoer’s commitment to public service and the greater Holland area is second to none. She’s a proven leader who will represent the values that have built the greater Holland area into an amazing place to raise a family and develop a business.

Her background as a Mayor and educator will allow her to be a leading voice on: education, protecting life, and fiscal responsibility. She understands people and has a record of how to get things done”

Rep. Brad Slagh | State Representative for the 85th District in Ottawa County

“We have always appreciated her willingness to roll up her sleeves and get to work, along with her passion for building community in every sense of that term. She has a heart that truly cares for the people of our community. Her experience means that she understands the issues and knows how to seek creative ways to solve problems.”

Mary Whiteford | Former State representative for the 80th District in Allegan County

“I have known Nancy for close to a decade. She is always kind, honest, and straightforward while always looking at the big picture. As Holland’s mayor, she has brought with her these qualities and truly cares for her community. She collaborates with others in the community and state. She knows that every decision impacts our children’s future. Nancy has a proven track record as Holland’s mayor and now as State Representative. I fully support her re-election to the MI State House of Representatives.”

1) Holland Civic Center
Holland is Nancy’s home. She wants to strengthen our education system, provide protections for our small towns and create spaces where all people can thrive. She has felt the shift in our country as people disagree over the smallest things. Nancy wants a better future, not only for her children and grandchildren, but also for all the people that have invested their lives in the State of Michigan. Now is the time to elect representatives who are willing to fight for the future of our beautiful state and the Greater Holland area. Nancy DeBoer is right for the job.

2) Decommissioned the Coal Powerplant to a new, state-of-the-art Natural Gas Power Plant, decreasing the City’s carbon emissions by 50%, cost of energy by 10%, and selling the extra energy to keep our costs low and prevent waste.

3) Beginning the process for a block of new development on 8th Street, including the new parking garage, as well as the innovative Sperry’s Theater and adjacent restaurants, retail, and condominiums.

4) I am committed to regional cooperation that benefits us all. The newly-formed 86th District, including Holland City, Holland Township, Park Township, and Laketown Township, has never been unified by a political district before! Creative problem-solving with a group of area leaders is critical for all of our area’s effectiveness. 

5) I have FOSTERED TALENT in the Holland area. Our community has an abundance of jobs AND an abundance of talented people! With regional public and private partnerships, we can strategize for a better future.

  • I am a measured person, not jumping on the latest bandwagon, but with discernment and research making decisions to benefit the lives of the people of this Greater Holland Area.
  • I believe in LIFE.  From womb to the tomb, ALL lives must be a priority in governmental decisions that affect us all.
  • I am for protecting the second amendment
  • I am for public safety and have supported full  funding of public safety while in my time working for the city. I believe in conservative and fiscally sound principles of government without government overreach into the lives of our citizens.
  • Voter integrity is critical to our elections and only those who can show proof of  citizenship should be able to vote.
  • Immigration has been central to our country from it’s start and must continue to be a key part of what brings those longing masses learning to be free to this land. All who desire to come to this free land must do so through the legal process that has been established.  My grandparents and my husband’s grandparents were all immigrants who went through the process of legal immigration once they landed at Staten Island in New York.  Their lives were changed because of it.
  • Education is a critical piece of our community.  We have AMAZING public, private and charter school systems where parents are communicated with and can be as engaged with their child’s education as much as they desire.  We must have our schools as models for others across this great state.
  • While mayor I was elected as a member of the Board of Trustees from the Michigan Municipal League. I reached out and hosted mayors and city managers from across the entire state of Michigan in our city to learn from each other to make each of our city’s a better place.
  • Economic development is key to the dignity of all as well-paying jobs in successful businesses feed our quality of life and sense of community. 
  • Connecting young talent to industry was my goal as mayor by partnering with high school students, Lakeshore Advantage, and area businesses.
  • Celebrating business, young professionals, and entrepreneurs while protecting and expanding our quality of life has been my way of championing the free enterprise system in Holland.
  • We must protect our Great Lakes and Lake Mac in every way and I will do whatever I can to support our Great Lakes in Lansing.
  • Housing needs, people want and need to live here than can find housing, at all levels of the housing spectrum. I’m invested in growing the Holland Community, creatively and responsibly.